Andre's latest acquisition - an original Brit amp, 12X7 EL84 with 2 different speakers combined. This amp has all the chime that you will ever need. Crystal clear highs, beautiful breakup with miles of headroom.
This profile is a blend of an on-axis Ribbon, BAE 1073 pre, API EQ and a distressor with an off-axis 57 Unidyne 3, API 512, API EQ and another distressor.
Now you get his signature sound through his favorite pedal of all times: The Super Bolt. 4 signature creamy sounds with different gain stages, mics, and OD pedals:
A30TB CLEAN: Beautiful chime vibes!
A30TB SWEET: Amp's Sweetspot! Nothing to comment!
AC30TB CRUNCH: Light overdriven sound through a SB pedal!
AC30 ON FIRE: Pure everything cranked madness!
2 different guitars were used to create the audio demos below.