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Mixes created from the Original Master Recording. Available in {0} keys with Up and Minus mixes for each part plus the original song. Learn More
Verse 1
It’s so good I almost can’t believe itFar beyond what hearts could ever dreamThe God who set the galaxies in motionWould descend to give His life for me
Pre Chorus 1
For what could make perfection bleed for sinnersWhat leads a King to pay so great a costAll my life my heart will sing the answerOnly the love of God
Singing oh how great is the love of GodHe paid our debt on that rugged crossFor all our days we will sing our Savior's praiseHow great is the love of God
Verse 2
It’s so kind it leads us to repentanceIt’s so bright the darkness has to fleeHallelujah it cleared my guilty sentenceFor I was bound but now I stand redeemed
Pre Chorus 2
For what could break the chains of any prisonWhat force could rob the power from the graveWhat would trade my rags for heaven's richesOnly the love of God
Verse 3
Though I try my mind can’t comprehend itIt’s so high too marvelous for wordsI could sing a million songs about itAnd barely scratch the surface of Your worth
Pre Chorus 3
This all my life the banner I’ll be wavingMy anthem cry no matter what may comeAnd when I rise to walk the streets of HeavenI’ll still be singing this song
Pre Chorus 4
For everything that You’ve doneHow great the love of God
Singing oh how greatIs the love of GodHe paid our debtOn that rugged crossFor all our daysWe will sing our Savior's praise
How great is the love of God
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In addition to mixes for every part, listen and learn from the original song.
Rehearse a mix of your part from any song in any key.
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